Learn music theory : polyrhythmic

For example you play three note groups against a background of two or four note groups. In other words you play an odd rhythm against an even ones.

3 : 2 or 3 : 4 or 2 : 3 or 4 : 3 or 5 : 4 and so on.

learn music theory online : polyrhythms

Exercises to learn music theory : complex rhythmic

  • Play all 3 : 2 figures – then 6 : 2 continuously
  • P. all 2 : 3 fig. – then 4 : 3 cont.
  • Play all 5 : 4 fig. – then 10 : 4 continuously
  • So on…

Attention : These drills are very difficult, so be patient ! However they will give you great advantages

Important rhythmic drill:

It is so much useful to practice playing polyrhythms without any interruptions to obtain certain independence between left and right hand (For pianist and keyboardist)

Moreover, rhythm becomes fresh, unforeseen, and dynamic.

polyrhythmic and music theory

Polyrhythmic means a superimposition and contrast between two different rhythmic patterns.
Polyrhythmic is a perfect instrument to obtain variety and rhythmic independence. It’s so: a pianist, playing two different rhythms between left and right hand (such as 2:3 or 4:3 and so on) can break each other hands that is he can obtain the ability of playing with two hands independently.

Moreover, every musician, when he improvises some quadruplets on a triplets rhythm, can make a polyrhythmic and so he learns to play in an independent way from rhythmics. I do not mean “missing the beat” when I say independent. On the contrary, I mean keeping time so well that is seems the musician is not following it. The word defining all this creation of polyrhythmic is “against time”, “playing against time”.

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